Davis, CA "Greater Area" beautiful, 4 OP GP practice, with room to expand

Price available upon request
For sale

General practice

4 operatories
$1,200,000 in annual collections

This GP practice was completely remodeled in 2022/ 2023. It currently has 4 rooms, but has additional space that could accommodate 3 - 4 additional treatment rooms in the footprint. Well located with easy access, this office is in a shopping center with high visibility. Equipment is less than 2 years old, and office has Cone Beam CBCT, digital x-ray, computers, and running Open Dental Practice Management. Well designed with ample space and hallways in the practice. Practice is currently running 4 days of hygiene a week. Office is accepting PPO plans and is not a Delta Premier office. Office refers out: Complicated Endo, Difficult extractions, perio, ortho

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