Super Growth Dental Practice for Sale (NYC, NY)

Price available upon request
For sale

Dental practice

2 operatories
$459,000 in annual collections

Super Growth Dental Practice for Sale (NYC, NY)
You must see this practice ASAP.  It tripled in growth in 1 year ($145k gross collections to $459k).  Open 4 days per week.  2 plumbed operatories.  25 new patients per month.  Referring out all implant surgeries.  72% PPO/28% fee for service.  Intraoral camera, digital software & x-rays.  Monthly lease amount is $5,398 gross with options built into the lease for at least 6 years with no property tax or maintenance charges.  No loans or leases on the practice.  Staff consists of 1 dentist, 1 hygienist, 1 assistant & 1 front desk.  There is also an associate on location who receives 31% of collections.  There are some benefits for the staff, 401(k) match and some medical insurance contribution.  Current fees: crown $1,592, full mouth x-ray $199, 1surface composite $265.  Doctor and staff will stay for the transition.  SPzn67nyFD 

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